Kick Start Your Small Business - Chapter One


Building a small static, premises based business is elementary, no big budget blowing criteria are required, and a common sense approach and application by you, the entrepreneur, will earn handsome rewards and guarantee success.
Whether your business is a pizza outlet or a second-hand bookstore, the principles remain the same. In order to succeed please erase all misconceptions and pre-conceptions you have before reading further, almost all novice entrepreneurs come from a corporate background that have an enormous base or platform to operate from, the infrastructure is unshakable and steady. Get rid of this notion if you intend staying in your small or start-up business.
Think Big- Act Small
There is no shame or disgrace in dreaming big, Dr. Abraham Maslow confirmed it with his self-actualization theory.
Acting big, costs a bag of loot, there is little hope of return on your investment in the near future.
The BIG factors one should avoid.
o Web - Site - unless your business is web-based.
o Above-The-Line Marketing. This channel is expensive and capital-intensive.
o All the social media, "Twitter", "LinkedIn", and "Quora" are a few examples.
o Lavish marketing that drains resources.
o A natural yet repeated tendency toward over-expenditure, on initial shop-fittings.
Acting Small
Acting small is humbling and gets you real close to your consumers/customers in your primary market. The learning process is cathartic and educational; you gain an understanding of your primary market that is invaluable and everlasting in its effect on your business.
Small Behavior
Behaving small is fun, educational, and enriching for your business and character as an entrepreneur, develop a mind-blowing tag line or Unique Sales Proposition (U.S.P) Print a couple thousand, budget business cards with your motto or U.S.P. e-mail address and personal telephone number clearly visible. Place cards in your pocket and hit the road on foot. Wear comfortable shoes!
How do you behave small?
- "Walk the Walk" - Introduce yourself in person to all the businesses within a three to five-mile radius of your business premises.
- Introduce yourself to all the schools, colleges, and educational centers within your primary market.
- Visit the centers for the aged, frail care and all benevolent organizations. Compassionate people staff all of these institutions. These people will gladly give you an audience, and assist in improving your personal confidence.
- Banking institutions have a tremendous influence on their customers; get them on your side and save a fortune on marketing costs.
- Join the local chapter of your chamber of commerce or traders' organization.
- Use community notice boards, this form of advertising mediums are normally free.
- Collect as many business cards and stationery as possible, they all have an e-mail address, very handy for low-cost, direct mass communication.
- Sports clubs, gymnasiums, and little-league venues will provide you with an avenue to advertise your fledgling business.
- Focus groups like homemakers league, Weigh-Less and craft guilds have members that are actively involved in their community.
- Multiple community based organizations, even Churches and funeral parlors, these institutions are important members of your community.
The idea or mission is to sell yourself to the community, the identity of your business will grow proportionately, and consumers still prefer to see and get to know the face behind the new venture.
My passion for business and art is unmatched, having spent most of my life rescuing businesses that were bound for imminent failure, I hopefully will convey to you the pitfalls and warning signs that could prevent any possible failure.

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